via Serafina Kopp

via Serafina Kopp

Originally shared by Daniel M.

"In an age when social media companies are trying to find the line between what is appropriate on their platforms and what is not, what can be monetized and what can’t, what they should be responsible for and what they shouldn’t, one thing remains absolutely clear: bad people will use their platforms to do bad things and, if the tide is not stemmed, if their rules aren’t enforced, then those bad people will multiply.
It’s not like this hasn’t happened to Twitter before. In the very recent past, they found themselves overrun with racism, foreign political influence and harassment while those who have attempted to follow the rules felt alienated. A platform that admits to wrongdoing but won’t correct it is a clear target for anyone looking to take advantage of lenient policies.
This doesn’t get better, it only gets worse."

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