via Dan Thompson

via Dan Thompson 

Originally shared by John Wehrle

If you were never into history, I get it. It just wasn't your thing. Perhaps you were into engineering or literature or sports and you never really had the time. Fine, I get it.  But you need to pay attention to history now - because we are repeating it.

THIS is how it starts.

1. Demonize an entire religion and classify all those who practice that religion as dangerous monsters out to get you.

2. Incite violence against these people - especially at their places of worship or at your political rallies.

3. Call for extra surveillance of this minority. Base that extra surveillance on their houses of worship.

4. When anyone questions your tactics, call them unpatriotic, call them cowards, call them alarmists, claim that ALL journalists are out to get you - that it is the ultimate conspiracy.

5. Ride to power on a wave of anger and fear and ignorance.

6. Expel as many of this minority as possible from the country.

7. Slaughter as many as you can where they have no rights of citizenship - where they are refugees.


Those are the steps. They are not hypothetical. They work very well.

We are on #4.

You may not care about history but some of us do. Some of us have relatives who died in this before. Some of us lived through this before.

And we are terrified that it is happening again.

Wake up from your Nazi Dream, America.

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