Quoting Dan Thompson

Quoting Dan Thompson

'A good (but long) bit on the false equivalence between Nazis and antifa.

Unlike the original Nazis, today's didn't join because they were attracted to inspiring words about national pride, and they didn't join in ignorance of the ultimate outcome of Nazi ideas, the goals. No semi-decent person sees the images of the death camps and thinks "I should look into these Nazis a little more, maybe they had some good ideas." The contemporary crop didn't learn about Nazi political ideology first and decide to adopt it. They didn't grow up at the bottom of a fucking well. Every single contemporary Nazi was attracted to Nazism cognizant of of its worst crimes. Not in spite of those crimes, and generally because of them. They saw the video, they read the history, and they thought "That's sounds great, sign me up." Even the ones who deny the holocaust like it. They revel in the imagery of the Holocaust. That's what they're in it for. The Holocaust isn't a bug for them, it's a feature.'

Originally shared by Sarah Rios

Nazis vs ANTIFA.

No, they are not the same.

Long, but worth the read. Via FB, obviously.

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