May those so called christians rot in hell.

May those so called christians rot in hell.

Via Thomas Rohde

Originally shared by Fidem Turbāre

"Conservative Christians Attack 12-Year-Old Rape Victim For Seeking Abortion" (Alabama, USA) by Michael Stone.

In my strong opinion, anyone who attempts to restrict the natural rights of pregnant people is a pro-slavery pervert who is inappropriately involving themselves into the private matters of others.

[Caption with featured image: "Conservative Christians Attack 12-Year-Old Rape Victim For Seeking Abortion (Image via Screen Grab)."]

From the attached article...

In a vile campaign against a minor, conservative Christians in Alabama attack a young rape victim because she is choosing an abortion.

Lawyers representing anti-abortion, forced-birth, conservative Christians, are calling a 12-year-old rape victim “a murderer” for choosing to have an abortion after an Alabama court ruled that the girl, who was raped by an adult relative, could have an abortion without parental consent.

The two conservative Christian lawyers held a press conference this week to denounce the court’s ruling while publicly harassing and abusing the 12-year-old rape victim.

The attorneys – Win Johnson, a former legal director under controversial Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore; and Lorie Mullins, the executive director of COPE Pregnancy Center in Montgomery, a faux clinic that provides Christian “counseling” but not abortions – made the absurd argument that the girl was not mature enough to choose an abortion, but that she was mature enough to go through nine months of pregnancy, the trial and pain of birth, and parenthood. reports on the press conference:

He (Johnson) said it’s stunning that courts would issue an opinion saying that a 12-year-old “was mature enough — and I’m going to put this in its starkest terms — to decide to murder her own child in her womb.”

“Now, nobody has said that to her, I bet you, in any of her counseling,” Johnson said. “Nobody has explained that to her in its starkest, rawest form, like that. But what if it was, what if she really thought through it, even as a 12-year-old and said, ‘Gosh, I don’t want that on my conscience.’

For the record, a fetus is not a person, and abortion is not murder. To suggest that a 12-year-old rape victim is a murderer for choosing an abortion is a deplorable and despicable claim.

[See attached article for video footage, and the remaining paragraphs...]

3 Kommentare:

Don Krypton hat gesagt…

Verdammt sein soll das dreckige Pack!

Igor Frankenstein hat gesagt…

Bigotte Arschlöcher! 🤢

Alexander Grieb hat gesagt…

Das sind keine Konservativen sondern realitätsverlustige Arschlöcher ohne Intelligenz oder Urteilsvermögen.

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