Wieder was gelernt

Wieder was gelernt

When Christmas Was Legally Banned for 22 Years by the Puritans in Colonial Massachusetts

Complaints about the commercial-age corruption of Christmas miss one critical fact: as a mass public celebration, the holiday is a rather recent invention. Whether we credit Charles Dickens, Bing Crosby, or Frank Capra—men not opposed to marketing—we must reckon with Christmas as a product of modernity. That includes the sacred ideas about family, piety, and gratitude we attach to the season.



2 Kommentare:

Dan Weese hat gesagt…

The holiday of Christmas is not a recent invention. It was part of a much larger festival, Epiphany. It goes back to before the Bible was even formally assembled: we know of Epiphany going back into the first century and Christmas, formally, in the 300s.

So, no. We get this Quatsch every year - and every year I have to contradict it all.

I have a proposition for the non-Christian world: you can have Christmas. Call it something else,please: it has nothing to do with Jesus anymore. In return, just give us back Easter, eh?

Thomas Mertens hat gesagt…

You can keep both, I prefer May Day.

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