via Peter Speckmayer

via Peter Speckmayer

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Identitarians should focus more on culture and folklore instead of role-playing in their cute goose step camps. But they'd need to learn what their actual culture and folklore are to do that. The far-right worships a mythologized, ahistorical version of "tradition" that, in almost every case, has never actually existed at any given point in history and, when it has, it was hardly ever in the form they think.
But if identitarians learned all of that, they'd realize how momentously those traditions used to change, how ambiguous their character often was, and thus how stupid it is to think that there's a fixed point of national "perfection" to which to aspire. Far-righters are very good at only seeing what they want to see, if they weren't they couldn't be far-righters. And that's the best case scenario where I assume these guys are dumb cunts basically regurgitating astroturf sourced from elsewhere as opposed to authentic outgrowths of traditional culture. The worst case scenario is when they're smart and they falsify the past in order to make it conform to their ideological guidelines, then use this falsification to defend their ideology under the guise of tradition. Those are the dangerous kind of far-rigthers as smart people are way more dangerous than the torch bearing flag draped grunts. Hitler was quite smart , for example. He was no Einstein , but he was smarter than 99% of the politicians you ever heard of , and all of the politicians you never heard of :)

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